Wednesday, May 25, 2016


I've never thought much about the suggested requirements for protein each day but with the new eating plan, I figured I should begin at least being aware of the protein I'm eating. On the days we have meat, I'm not concerned but on a day like yesterday, I doubt I got as much protein as I needed.

Recommendations I've seen suggest 46 grams for women.

Yesterday's lunch of sardines, crackers, blueberries and almonds was 32 grams.

Last night's dinner had probably 2 grams so I had a total of about 34 grams of protein yesterday.

Chia seeds contain 3 grams of protein per tablespoon. I can add that to my morning oatmeal and end up with about 10 grams (oatmeal, blueberries and chia seeds).

On my daily list of foods, I can start tracking my protein intake too, til I'm comfortable enough to know I'm getting the recommended amount.

So long as we're eating meat with a meal, I don't think I'm going to run short but those days I don't have a lot of meat, I may need to pay attention to adding a boiled egg or something like that to increase my protein intake.

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